How to learn English vocabulary easily and quickly?

Limited knowledge of English words or is often a problem for language learners. What will help you learn vocabulary quickly and effectively? Firstly motivation, and secondly, specific techniques. In today’s article, we will show you some methods for memorising new vocabulary. Each is effective and fun, but not all will be good for you. Try them out to discover which one suits you best 🙂

Trust us, they work!

Vocabulary lists

Learn words related to each other in some way at one time. Group English words that cover the same topic (for example, food, occupations, hobbies, etc.). Don’t create lists of words that don’t have much in common. Such way of learning is less effective and the words will not stay in your memory for long. Love Your English courses offer consistent sets of vocabulary for each chapter with space for your own translation. This makes it easier to learn and quicker to find what you need.

Perfect timing

Find your ideal time to study. Try studying at different times of the day and observe when you remember the most. Once you know this, learning vocabulary will become much easier and effective. There is nothing strange about the fact that some people learn better in the morning and others in the evening 😊

What’s your perfect time of the day?

Perfect place

Do you always study in the same place and the results are not what you would expect? Then here’s a tip: change your learning environment frequently – it can be highly effective. If you have been studying in the bedroom so far, see how your efficiency will increase in the kitchen or living room. The brain remembers better when it learns something in a completely new place. Why not get some fresh air? Try going out to a café or a park. You can be sure that you will learn new things much faster! 😊

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Game-changing notes

Take notes in the language you are learning. If you are a visual or kinaesthetic learner writing down new words will be your game changer. We’re sure you often take notes in your native language – why not try doing it in English? Writing down a shopping list, a meeting report, or a to-do list will help you remember better the words you already know and also make you learn new ones.

Little effort, lots of benefits😊

Listen and repeat

Are you an auditory learner? Excellent! Repetition is the key to learning new vocabulary. Repeat words and phrases out loud as often as possible. On our platform, you will find presentations with vocabulary and pronunciation recordings. Take your time to listen to them several times until you manage to pronounce it correctly.

Practice reading out loud and you’ll see a big improvement in your pronunciation.

Passive learning

Regardless of what kind of learner you are, listen to English whenever you can. While cooking, cleaning, or driving to work, always have English TV, a YouTube channel, radio, or podcasts in English on.

There is no need to focus on what you are listening to. Passive listening will allow you to absorb and feel the intonation of the language, as well as frequently used vocabulary and grammatical structures. All completely subconsciously and effortlessly!

The power of context

Don’t just let the word you want to remember be random letters on paper. Give it a meaning and put it into context! Start by putting together sentences (affirmative, negative, question) with the words you want to remember.

This is an extremely productive way of learning English vocabulary. This way you will remember them in context and be able to recall them faster. Instead of just learning the word „platform“, try to create sentences that go with it (e.g.  „Excuse me, where is platform 2?“ or „My train leaves from platform 2“).

Create definitions

Create definitions for newly learnt words. At first this may seem pointless to you, because why should you explain what a „pillow“ is and what a „spoon“ is for? Well, to enrich your vocabulary and familiarise yourself with the language 😊 Look at it like this: sometimes it happens that you can’t remember the word you want to use. If you forget how to say „spoon“ in English during a conversation, you will know how to describe it so that the person you are talking to knows what you mean. Describing words is a very valuable skill that will allow you to get out of any situation – even when you forget the words. It is, unfortunately, rarely taught in school and on courses, so at Love Your English we take care of it and make sure you develop this skill from your very first class.

Give yourself time

Last, but probably most important: perfection comes with time and practice. Learning English should not be torture. On the contrary, it should give you pleasure and satisfaction. Don’t force yourself to study for several hours a day – systematic learning of 15-30 minutes a day is enough to see spectacular results. It is natural that we do not all learn at the same pace.

Don’t compare yourself to others – it’s you who matters. Always let yourself have time to relax and reward yourself for even small achievements.

You totally deserve it! 😊

Improve your vocabulary

We hope you find an effective strategy for learning English vocabulary.

Join our English course for Beginners to improve your vocabulary skills.

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